Last night we got the kitchen table ready with flour to catch the Easter Bunny. When Maysen went to bed all we heard about was looking for the bunny tracks in the morning. He slept until we FINALLY got him up at (get this) 9:30am! I think the "being sick" was catching up with all of us because we enjoyed the sleep in, too. But we got him up and then looked for the bunny tracks and then he found his basket surrounded by the "unny twacks!".
We took a rest day today filled with movies and water trying to flush out this whatever-it-is. Thankfully I have a short week of work this week since I only work on M,W,Fs. I work a full day tomorrow, don't start until 9:30 (instead of 7:30) on Wednesday and off on Friday. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!
Wish I could have been there. Woulda been, had you guys not had the plague. :) Give my Bean kisses from his auntie.
Love the bunny tracks........and the boots! :o)NuNu
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