Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Ice Picks...

Yes. It's currently 3:21am. This whole "family is sick but me" crap is now out the window. Sunday night ... tad sore throat. Yesterday at work ... sort of congested. Last night ... tight chest. Now, at 3:22am my body is rejecting any and all bacteria from my body - in the form of ice-picks-being-stabbed-in-my-throat-and-chest. Fun thing is, that although I have tomorrow (today) off, I have to take Maysen to his 2yr physical appointment, followed by an internal medicine meeting for an hour. Uhhh, if Mr Ice Pick is still stabbing me I'm going to say the hell with it. Yes, I realize people at my clinic are already sick - however with 5 nurses calling in sick yesterday (and I should have been one of them), I don't need to infect the rest of the staff who ARE healthy. I got quite a few looks when I let my SARS-like cough rip toward the end of the day. Before I left, my doc said "Ummm, why don't you go home and get better?" ... "So, Mr Smith *HACK HACK*, why are we here *SNEEZE* today? Are you running *SNIFFLE* a fever or having *HANG ON I'M ABOUT TO SNEEZE* the chills?" Yea. Way to go, Leslie. I'm currently waiting for drugs to kick in and to brush my teeth as I've been mouth-breathing all night so you can only imagine how pleasant that feels/smel- well, you get the picture. Nighty-night.... (hopefully). 'Tis the Season!

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