Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Swing Away

This was worth every $$ we put into buying this thing. It swings both side-to-side as well as front-to-back. For the longest time we had it swinging sideways and he didn't care for it that much. Now you can't get him out of this thing (as you can tell by his beaming smile). And in fact if I need to get something done I put him in this and he's out like a light a few minutes later. Such a great invention.

I've been battling with boredom the last few days. You see, after being well for a week (because we were in California), the kids are BACK to being sick. The problem is that Maysen goes to school, and although I've asked the teacher to call me if the other kids have been sick the 2 previous days (mon,tues), she never called me to tell me that all the kids were coughing when Maysen went back to school last wednesday. 48hrs later, Maysen has the cold/cough back. That means = 48hrs later Griffin has it, too. He's so susceptible to germs. Maysen acts fine although he's hacking up a lung and his nose is running so much his sleeve is wet (you get the picture). Because of this, none of us have been outside the house in 3 days. Today the sun is shining bright and I haven't had fresh air since Saturday. Maysen might be OK but right now Griffin just has the snot part of the cold and I DO NOT want him getting the lung/cough/RSV part.

Because we've decided that if Griffin gets "really" sick again because of this, we'll reluctantly have to pull Maysen out of school. But how many cartoons can one handle? If he's not watching cartoons/plopped in front of the TV, then he's absolutely destroying the house! Tomorrow is supposed to be really nice, with highs in the low 60sF and no clouds! I am hoping that at least I can get Mase outside and let Griffin sleep inside. I keep thinking I'm so thankful that I am not really working right now because I'd for sure be fired ... no one would believe me that my kids were this sick! Thankfully, I can give Maysen Benadryl because he's so snotty and not feel guilty about it! Benadryl is a wonderful (sedating) drug ... hehe.

The last 2 nights Griffin has been very colicky, which Maysen had at 2 months of age. He starts being really fussy at 6:00pm with little comfort. The problem is, is that he's kept himself up almost all afternoon, so by then he's over exhausted and can't go/stay asleep. Last night was the worst. We noticed 2 lumps on his lower gums on the sides, almost like he's teething molars ... but it's WAY to early for that. He did calm down when we rubbed them, and so I gave Tylenol. Luckily he went to sleep around 9:30 and slept until 5:00am.

This is The Potty Jar I created and it has been very successful. Only ONE accident since Saturday, which I think is great. Right now the "prize" of filling the jar has ranged from swimming to going to get ice cream to baking brownies. In fact changing it up keeps him motivated day by day until it's full.

Did any one else realize that Easter is way early this year? I need to get Easter Baskets ready!

1 comment:

Ej said...

The swing - a true gift to mom's!!! G lived in hers for awhile. Worth every penny ;-) Of course I loaned mine to several friends between kiddos and had to buy a replacement motor - LOL

Hope you all get better soon - sickness seems to be really rampant this year.