Please Help.
Growing up in Kansas was at times boring, lonely, isolated, dry and hot. That is a big change to how I live now. I was used to the rolling prairie, miles and miles of nothing but pasture. After moving to a busier NE Kansas, and evenutally Oregon, I didn't realize how much I took that for granted. I recently stumbled across a blog that takes me back to those days. Susan used to live and work in busy California owning and running her own bakery cafe. She gave all that up twelve years ago and now lives on a huge sprawling 280-acre, 140yr old farm out in the middle of Missouri. She writes about the daily, innocent mishaps that take place with her animals (kids), takes daily pictures of life around the farm (which are absolutely refreshing), and shares recipes and things from her garden. I read her blog yesterday and it broke my heart. Click here to see why: The Rocky Mountain Wildlife Conservation, or Wildlife Animal Sanctuary, has been the home to more than 155 lions, tigers, bears, jaguars, leopards, Mountain Lions, Lynx, Bobcats, Servals, Wolves, and other wildlife since 1980. The residents of the Wild Animal Sanctuary were abandoned, abused, illegally kept, or came from other terrible situations. The vast majority of the animals were so-called “pets” - and were confiscated by law enforcement officials - usually within the first six months of their lives. They also provided permanent refuge to surplus animals from zoos and other wildlife facilities, where they face euthanasia due to over-breeding. Due to limited funds, the Sanctuary is being shut down, and any animal not adopted or financially supported will be euthanized. You see, I have always been an animal lover. And although reality sunk in long ago that I could never save the world and all the stray animals, things like this still tug long and hard at me. Susan brings light to ways (despite how little those ways may seem are) can really effect other things in a big way. Her refreshing idea of donating money in someone else's name is a great idea. I encourage each and everyone one of you (how few of you there are) to do the same thing. I know I for one am hoping to buy even ONE more day in honor of the Big Cats. Please visit the Wild Animal Sanctuary's website for information on how to help.
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