Friday, July 21, 2006


As I sit here, with the cursor blinking at me, I think of something to type - something to talk about. But I realize that I have nothing to say. I'm 26, and have nothing to say ... there's not a whole lot riveting about me or my life.

Today, I turned up the XM radio to The City and Maysen and I danced in the living room all afternoon. Him imitating the dance I'd do, no matter how silly. I'd wave my hands around and turn in circles while he cackled with silliness. Today I bought milk for $1.98. I got red peppers on sale for $0.99 each. I bought rip off granola bars for $3.39. I rocked out to Counting Crows on the freeway with Maysen's head bobbing. I paid $2.98/gallon for gas and could have got it for $2.92 across the street, but that's a bigger pain in my ass. And I found a bomb recipe for homemade salsa that I can make from tomatoes from my garden. See, I told you. Utterly riveting. Or is it ... maybe my simple life - my seemingly care-free life is what some people wish they had. I should feel lucky that I wake up with a majority of my days open with no commitments. In a way, maybe that is riveting in it's own sense...

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