Thursday, June 11, 2015

Goodbye 1st and 4th grades!

It's been a great year for Griffin. The biggest thing I have noticed with him is confidence. This has really been the year of new skills. Reading & Math have a whole different meaning. Even by his fall parent-teacher conference, Mrs Meeker was telling us he was very much ahead of the other students in both reading and math. He had a terrible problem coming into 1st grade and continuing from kindergarten ... TALKING. I was a bit worried when I learned Griffin's best friend, Lance, was going to be in his class. This has been a good learning tool for Griffin. Although he still loves Lance, I think he walked out of 1st grade with a better ability to refrain himself. Oh ... Lordy do we still have a talker, but if that's as bad as it gets I'll take it!

Maysen had Brittany Davenport for 4th grade. Maysen went in as a kid who had trouble controlling himself with excitment and boredom. She allowed him the freedom and flexibility to prove himself. She didn't smother him or ride him with a tight leash. This allowed him to grow, mature, and lead by example to others. She allowed him to see his own wrong doings instead of just telling him what they were. He is definitely coming out of 4th grade a different, more mature, and headstrong kid. Watch out 5th grade!!!

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