I never knew what drastic direction my life would bring me after becoming a mother. I always knew I wanted children but what joy they would bring my life is something I didn't expect. I won't drone on and on and make this sound just like every other post from every other mom out there who blogs. But I do, in fact, have the best set of boys a momma could ask for!
I got my first real home made Mother's Day gift from Maysen this week. It is a sachet that they made in school. Maysen glued on the paper, helped cut it out, and his favorite part was tying the bag of potpourri up. When I picked him up from school on Wednesday he mentioned he had a "proprise!" but I had to wait until Thursday to get it. When I picked him up on Thursday (Nate got off early and surprised Maysen by picking him up - I had gone along too to talk to Ms Debbie and I turned while he was walking down the hall). He had the biggest smile on his face, showing all his immature teeth - even the chipped front tooth. He announced he had my proprise and that I'd have to wait to open his pack-pack when I got home. We arrived into the garage where I was given orders to let him out first and he'd go inside and I could then follow. Once I had followed, I was then told to close my eyes and come into the living room. There he stood, same beaming smile with his hands behind his back and when I opened my eyes this baby (above) shot out at me. He told me all about how I could hang it in my closet and it'd make my clothes smell alllllll good. We decided we'd hang it outside so I could see it everyday. He propped himself on the bed while I taped it up there, still beaming even when I walked out the doorway. He later came out and looked at me puzzled, "Momma, um, isn't it beautiful?" ... "Yes, baby. It's my very favorite" .... "Mine too." and off he went with a content smile on his face.
That makes all the many sacrifices a mother has to make worth it. I have been struggling with going back to work part time, but it's times like these that I would give anything not to miss.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there! I hope you enjoy YOUR day!
I have tears in my eyes!! Happy Mother's day!!! We love you and you are a wonderful mommy to both of your boys!!!
And to you! Happy mama's day.
Those are the things that will help you get through the rough days, and memories are made from. Love Mom
Oh my gosh! How precious does it get...... I can just see Maysen so proud. Love it.
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