Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Welcome to Me!

Being an RN, you will more than likely in your career hear, see, smell, encounter things out of the norm. Ok. I realize that. Part of the perks of the whole job. However, some people just have absolutely NO tact. Nor, do they care! Example: Sitting at my desk. Man walks around the corner. "Can I help you with something?" ... "I called in a prescription for my rash creme" ...*Look up patient's account* .. "Oh, your Lidex for your eczema should be at the pharmacy" ... "No, it's for the rash under my balls". Yea. In front of EVERYONE. What do you say? "Hope this helps your balls!" Ahh, I love my job! Welcome to me, by the way. I'm an RN here in Oregon working for an internal medicine doctor for a huge conglomo corporation, PH. I love my job, I do. Just some encounters keep you smiling all day long thinking "Man! There certainly are strange cats in this world". I'm sure we all encounter "strange breeds of cats" here or there. Any good stories?

You may be curious about the title: Mr Bean. That is because that is what I call my 15mo old son, Maysen (See above - he has been doing this suck-in-real-quick-and-make-a- "hooting" noise thing). Since the minute he was born, I said he looked just like a cute little Jelly Bean. He's been that (shortened to Mr Bean) ever since. Maybe the morphine and fentanyl had something to do with it?

Welcome to my blog. Visit anytime.


Anonymous said...

Glad you got a blog going. :-) Finally! ;-) I love reading about Bean, so I will definitely be by.

Bean's Auntie

Leslie said...

Come by anytime, auntie!

Anonymous said...

Grats :D

chRistine said...

maysen is adorable. and i was a nurse, once upon a time, too.

Leslie said...

Ahh, Christine, so you can share my pain!!! Thanks for stopping by, guys. Makes me feel better knowing I'm not typing to "no one" out in cyber space. Keep coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Les, Maysen is so adorable!! I am glad you arre all healthy and happy!! Things are great here in Kansas as well. Take care. Cherina Ostmeyer

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cherina! How are you? Leslie's sister here, Jenn. You back in KS, are you? Glad to see you stopped by Leslie's site. Hope you're well!
