Saturday, December 20, 2008

Frosty the Smokin' Snowman

During our snow #2, the boys put together a Smokin' Frosty. It was our 13yr old neighbor, D, who decided it was a great idea to put a smoke bomb in Frosty's mouth. I'm currently finding his humor hilarious. Reminds me of my dad in a way ...

Although we finished Christmas shopping a few weeks ago, we decided to head to the mall (Saturday, 4:00pm) to return some PJs that I had bought for Griffin for Christmas. Nathan and I stayed up until 1:00am wrapping presents last night and when I whipped the PJs out I realized they were 12 months and there would be no way they'd fit. So! To the mall we went and that was a 3-ring circus. As I get older, the more and more I loath crowds and despite the recession that is going on, that baby was packed.

So I was pondering last night wrapping presents; Do you remember when you learned there was no such thing as Santa? I pondered this because my story relates to being a clever kid. I don't remember how old I was, but as I was nosing through the garage, I stumbled across a box that ironically was filled with presents. I didn't recognize the wrapping paper, but I did recognize the handwriting on the labels, some saying "From: Santa". I was puzzled because Christmas was still a week away. Carrying a gift inside I walked up to mom and asked the dreaded question "Just what is this? Why are Santa's presents here?" With great pause and hesitation, I heard it. Yes, it hit me like a brick wall, "You see. I have to confess. Don't you find it silly that Santa can deliver those presents all in one night? Well. The truth is, he has to deliver some early and it's our job o put them out for him." I bought it for about an hour until I thought more about it, and apparently guilt settled in, and mom had to spill it. My stomach dropped and I can still remember, Christmas really wasn't the same after that.

As I wrapped gifts I soon realized that it would only be a matter of time before we'd have to start using "secret" wrapping paper for the presents from Santa and disguise our handwriting. I can hear it now if we don't do it within the next year or two, "Mom, Santa has the same wrapping paper as was on the present you gave Grandma!!". Smart little buggers...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Dude, that smoke bomb is hilarious!
