Thursday, December 18, 2008

Alllll Aboard!

Tonight Maysen and Griffin got to open their Christmas present from Grandpa and Grandma "Motorhome House". Maysen is weird in the fact that he *loves* getting clothes. He gets so excited. Well, dad and Jo got him overhauls that look like the train conductor pair and he is so in love with them. Before we could get them all out he was taking his clothes off to put them on and has insisted in sleeping in them tonight. A new obsession. So! Good pick Grandma and Grandpa!!

I now understand why my dad used to charge me $0.10 everytime he caught me keeping the lights on. "Oh, Maysen keeps them on" you might be thinking. Um. No. It's my husband. I came home the other day and every single light was on in each room. I walk from room to room turning lights!

Christmas break has officially started at our house. Maysen had his party today and now we're home for almost 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS. Thankfully Nate will be home on vacation almost the whole time with the exception of Mon/Tues next week.

Someone has to pee ... with their overhauls on, so I've gotta go.


  1. Very cool overhauls! Choo choo!

    My hubby likes to leave lights on too. I'll come downstairs and all the blinds are closed - so all the lights are on. I go around opening blinds and turning off lights!

  2. I totally know how that feels to have to keep turning lights off. YUCK! That is one thing I can't stand. Although I go potty w/ no lights and get changed in the dark and it drives Josh crazy so I guess we are even.... Love the overalls. Maysen looks like a real conductor. Love ya

  3. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Maysen cracks me up with his love of clothes :o). Cute overhauls..;o).. We're still enjoying "more" snow! I'd be glad to share......

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    You know...Grandpa Roger also loves clothes and the shopping trips too. A rare you think the spiffy Dude thing has been passed on down? They look great!!!Auntie Bonnie
