Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I love Prampa

This picture melts my heart. Thanks, Jo, for sending this to me. Taken during Maysen's first camping trip Maysen and dad swam for the first time together in the campground's pool. They even against rules played the "Jump to Prampa" game ... until they got caught. (No jumping into pool allowed). I live with my son and know the deep connection he's made with my dad, considering how sparingly they get to see one another. If this picture doesn't speak a thousand words, I don't know what does...

Today was an interesting day for Maysen. He had karate tonight and on Tuesday nights he gets one-on-one with the main teacher - his name is Kelley and he is wonderful with little kids and especially Maysen. He knows how to practice things one at a time and move quick before his attention fades. He's very patient and encouraging although Nate and I sit back and cringe when we know he's just screwing around (play falling down, etc). They moved onto the board-breaking part of karate. Now the boards they use are plastic and have perforated "breaks" in them. There are multiple boards with increasing difficulty of breaks. Maysen, being the youngest in the class, was sure to have the most difficulty. However, we were proven wrong when he bounced through level 1, level 2, level 3 and Kelley was shocked. Level 4 is a 1" thick board and it was "unheard of" for one this small to break it. It took Maysen a couple of tries but he busted through it. After class Kelley told us that Maysen was one of the top 5 kids his age he's ever taught. That gave us the encouragement we needed to definitely keep him in karate!!!

We came home after karate and Maysen went to T's house to play in the backyard. Within about 20min N (the dad) came running over carrying a crying Maysen. You see, some wasps had flown down his shirt and gotten trapped. He was stung a few times and N was afraid he might be allergic. After half an hour, Benadryl, baking soda paste, and some ice cream he was fine. He's had the worst luck! Poor kid is only 3 and he's been stung 5 times! I've never been stung in my life .... ever.

An Update on our house selling adventure: Multiple people have stopped to pick up flyers within the last week or so. With the economy the way it's gotten (although we did buy some majorly cheap stock in Fanny Mae and so far have doubled our money!), I doubt we'll be selling our house this winter. Our contract with our pretty much non-exsistant realtor is up October 31 and we will not be renewing. We will wait until spring and try again (ourselves or with a different-more-attentive realtor). Hopefully the market will be back up somewhat by then. We are, however, having one more open house on Sunday this weekend. I'm not really wanting to sell it now, mainly because I'm not motivated to pack and move during the rain so you watch - this will be the weekend we sell our house. Go fig!

1 comment:

  1. Such a great photo! And way to go Maysen with the boards.

    wrong post but - I have a hard time keeping Baby G away from the toilet too. It must have some sort of call to them :)

    Love the new layout! Very pretty.
