Sunday, March 15, 2015


Zags. This was a new Basketball team to Maysen he was invited to play on. He didn't have much fun playing YMCA basketball last year because "it was too lax". So this year, his FB coach decided to coach basketball again as he had the previous year. We had voiced our frustration in the lax of the Y the year before, so we were thankful that Maysen was asked to play this season of KidsSports.

To say that this was a bit of a shocker to him is an understatement. He was not prepared for the aggressiveness of playing competitive basketball. He does not have older brothers or older cousins that he plays with. He decided last year he really enjoyed the game and wanted to experience it more. I think it was a wake up call to him.

I think it was a wake up call not only to Maysen, but to us as parents as well. Not only did this seem to be competitive to the children it was very obvious that it was competitive for the parents as well. Overall, we wanted Maysen to really learn what it was like to be on a team, have supportive teammates, and learn the different dynamics of the game. I don't think this was the best lesson for him, because I don't think he was around very good sportsmanship, and unfortunately a lot of his teammates were less than supportive. It was a bummer.

But you live and learn, and I think the lessons he took out of the season had nothing to do with basketball. Sometimes it's ironic the way God gives you lessons to learn. Do not get me wrong, he had a great time. We had a great time watching him grow into this new sport. It was great for him to see family members coming out to support him.

The boys had a wonderful season. They rocked it the whole time having won all of their games but one. Nathan and I were in Vegas the night of their last tournament game. It was a hard fought game and they came in second place. Very proud of Maysen for sticking with this even if it was not very easy for him. The lessons he learned are invaluable. 

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