Thursday, August 4, 2011

My girly boys

Mom? What are you doing? I LIKE RED TOO! Can you paint mine? I want my toes to look like yours!

Sure. But your dad is going to kill me. And so will you in 10 years.

I don’t look forward to the day that my boys will break my heart; but I know it’s coming. No longer will they ask for me to lay in bed with them to talk about “funny stories”. No longer will they run to me for safety from one another, as they will learn to fight their own battles. No longer will I have to blow on their oatmeal so that it won’t burn their tongues.

And it will break my heart. But I also look forward to this day as well.
Maysen has started to have more interest in daddy and “daddy’s things”, which I knew (and warned Nate about) would happen. It warms my heart to watch Nate start to instill the male slant on things in their life, as I know one day they will reflect back to it when, perhaps, one day they have their own children. They’re boys and I know this is very important.

But I will still miss the days where they wanted toes like mommy. I will miss the days where Mase would fall asleep in bed with either a blanket or Leo the Lion on his head because it made him “have hair like mommy’s”. I know that these photos are great for blackmail when they’re 18, but that’s not why I have them. It’s to remind me of the days where, if even for a moment, they were my little ones who wanted to be like their mommy.

So, no longer will they aspire to have toes just like mom because “they like red”. But. That’s OK with me. Sort of.

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