Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In 3 more days ...

...THIS will be our new home. As I sit and write this, it was brought to my attention that some might view this as bragging. If that is the case for some of you, I truly hope you don't think that. Nathan and I have worked very hard to get to where we're at. I worked my rear end off in Nursing School while Nate was in the Army (and fighting in the war!) and Nathan studied his way through college with many sleepless nights (with a brand new baby crying at night) to get to where he's at. So. Bragging? No. Proud? Yes.
The only hitch so far in this process is that our furniture has now been back ordered for the THIRD time now. I was told today that our furniture (which accounts for 4 of our rooms of the house) will not be here until the middle of July. Many of you that know me can probably guess how well this went over and as of now they're scrambling to come up with floor models to deliver next week until our new furniture arrives.

I am ready for the changes this house represents. I'm really going to be working about not bringing bad habits with me to this new house and create better ones. I am excited about this being not only a fresh new house physically but the emotional, spiritual freshness that comes with it as well.


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Looks good! Only 3 days! YIPPEE!!! MomSher

  2. LOVE the backyard! That was so creepy and now it looks great! Can't wait to see the pictures when you get settled in.

  3. Sherrill11:52 PM

    p.s. Like the fence too! Sure makes it look different huh?

  4. It makes all the difference!! Before the yard was started we had a lot of "Hmmm, really?" thoughts in our head and it turned out just gorgeous!

  5. Being proud of what you've accomplished be it education or buying a new home is always exciting - and it's your blog if you want to brag go ahead :)

    Hope the move goes well and that the furniture arrives!!

  6. Hmmm - I don't think you're bragging just to clarify.

  7. Thanks for understanding, EJ :)

  8. It's amazing!!!!

    I can't believe that people would think you are bragging. I don't get it.

    Enjoy your new home.

  9. nice back yard!!!! be proud of it! I don't think anyone would say you are bragging! :)
    I like the handprints....my dad did our names in the concrete years ago with the new house.... :)
    good memories!
