Friday, May 14, 2010

Poop Foam.

Saturday morning a few weeks ago. 7:42am. Nate and I are dead asleep. We are awakened by a shrieking 2yr old streaking through the bedroom, naked from the waist down, wielding this stick covered in ....something. Following close behind was an antagonistic 5yr old brother yelling, "Mom! Dad! You gotta come see this!" We were led, sleepy eyed, into the living room. Aroma hit me in the face as I rounded the corner. Griffin has this new phase where if he poops, he has to take his diaper off. And ... he had pooped this morning. So, you know what that means.

Let me back up so I can include one intricate part of this story: for Xmas, we got the boys these sticks that if you turned it upside down it'd make a funny noise while a stopper from inside the tube slid down - and visa versa when you turned it the other way. He had gotten this infamous stick out and proceeded to beat his crap with this stick ... and my couch ... love seat ... floor (white carpet) ... chairs. You get the picture. So, before we're even fully awake, we're hit with this atrocity.

I will paint the picture of what I saw when I turned around to see Nate's reaction: Fully naked man, hair afro'd out, swollen eyes with bags under them, beard starting to form. with that Where-Am-I? look on his face as I hear only 2 words, "Goooooood Lorrrrrd."

Griffin had attempted to clean up this mess on his own, you see. We have the 298 gallon Costco size vat of Dawn dish soap with the actual "handle". He had carried it to a certain poop spot, however you could see the Dawn drip-trail all the way through the living room.

So, not only do we have poo to clean up, now we have magic blue soap to clean up too. Out came the carpet cleaner, Nate's eyes still glassed over. After a bit, as I'm trying to get Griffin dressed I hear "Oh God, you've got to come help me!!!!" I go down the hall, round the corner ... and can you guess what happens with super concentrated Dawn dishsoap, warm water, and major agitation?

BLUE POOP FOAM EVERYWHERE .... Yeah. The neighbors loved watching this mysterious bluefish-brown foam be emptied out of our carpet cleaner along the side of the house ...we had to hose it down ... it took about 2hrs to clean up.

Next story? Fish Tank Fishing, Mase!


  1. OH WOW - that's all I can say!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "A Happy Healthy Mommy" ... not sure why you deleted your comment. It was a great one! I will repost --

    "Leslie ...I am so happy you are writing a blog! Most of us think this crazy stuff only happens in OUR homes ... so it's refreshing to hear someone else is experiencing craziness too! And while I giggled all the way through your story, I downright howled like a mad woman when I saw the picture of Nate!!! Beautiful job!!! :)

    1. Ronda Petrasek9:54 PM

      I removed it and reposted it because it said I was happy, healthy mama, and I am Ronda Petrasek :)
