Friday, October 16, 2009

Pumpkins 2009

This time again ... PUMPKIN PATCH! We seem to go every year to Lone Pine and this year was no different. It included a Sunday morning ... bitterly chilly and thankful to have coats ... and outragiously priced hotdogs that end up in the gravel. Splendid. But the kids really enjoy it and so we do it ... to live vicariously through them I suppose. We get a "family" of pumkins, one for each of us, that sits on the porch closer to Halloween.

Picking out his pumpkin took 3.2 seconds. It was the closest to where our wagon stopped.

Mase takes a bit more time in his selection process. Many times he's putting in his two cents into what everyone else should be getting.

Gathered up thinking, "When in the world is this thing going to take off ... because I'm going to throw these boots over the side one more time if it doesn't hurry!" (Twas Fin thinking these thoughts)

Trying to convince Griffin this was, oh indeed, fun. It worked once we hit the orange glowing mass that was the pumpkin patch....

After attempting to eat gravel-infested hotdogs, the brilliant cow "rollercoaster" (55 gallon drums cut out like cow carts driven by 4 wheeler and charge $3 a head ... genius) was ridden. Little one, not so sure. Big one, best thing around.
Lately we're having to play "ghost" which is a festive driven game. All lights get shut off minus the Thomas the Train flashlight, which boasts is annoying "chugga chugga SHHHhhffhfhfhfhfhf" with each flicker of light. Nate will pretend to hide down the hall and when the kids get close he jumps out and yells something to the effect of "Booga Boooga Boooga." Surprisingly it continues to make them jump. Whatever.
Mom got news that Middlefield Oaks has an opening. She saw the doctor today who wrote her orders to move in, so Nate and I are shopping for furniture for her new little apartment there and we'll be moving her in! She seems excited and I can't wait to get her involved in more activities such as bridge. It's good having her close.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed at the small size of pumpkins chosen in these pictures. My son went to a pumpkin patch this past week for a school field trip and picked the biggest pumpkin he could find. In fact, it was the biggest of his class and he couldn't even carry it. Needless to say, we have some serious carving to do.
