Thursday, September 17, 2009

Moving Day

Maysen started school last week. He goes 4 days from 1130 - 215 and he loves it. He is looking so forward to learning Science. Miss Nicole is his teacher again this year. She taught PM preschool last year and things have moved this year and she is now teaching PM Pre-K. He loved her and it's great he gets her another year. He is also thankful for returning friends from last year! Griffin just HAD to stand in this picture with him on his first day. It turned out to be one of my favorites. Bubba can do no wrong in his eyes ... I wonder how long that will last.

Tomorrow we are moving into our rental house. It is a 4bdrm, 2 bath approx 2000 sq foot house only 1 yr old so we are pretty lucky. It was either get a small house and save money, or get one with enough space to accommodate mom on visits. We are going to temporarily move mom into an Adult Foster Care home when she arrives in Oregon. We have decided that based on the realization that we are unsure exactly what mom's needs are right now. It's been about 4 years since either Jenn or I have seen her and assessing her needs seems to need to be a priority right now. Unfortunately there were no acceptable foster cares in my town that had availability so she'll be staying in a really nice place near Jenn in Portland. In the meantime, mom will come stay with me for lengthy periods and we needed a house big enough to accommodate her.

God works in mysterious ways and I can't wait to figure out what He has in store. In the last 30 days we've made the decision to move mom, put our house on the market, sold our house, found a rental and signed lease and will be moving tomorrow. On top of that, Nate found out today that all of his former coworkers from Weyerhaeuser got laid off just today. Nate accepted a new job about 4 months ago and it was a decision he didn't take lightly. In other words, he was torn. I can't imagine what life would be like with all that is currently going on -- only to find out today that my husband lost his job. They might just have had to commit me! And what's even more weird about the timing him getting his new job, is that Nate wouldn't have left Weyerhaeuser if it weren't for Mel coming and finding Nate and offering him a new job. So wild ... Thank YOU LORD!

One more blessing is that my dad and Jo are here to help. They had planned to come visit for a few days (Mon-Wed) and dad announced they were changing their plans for the rest of their vacation to stay and help. Totally not expected but it's been an absolute life saver. I think in the delusion of everything going on we didn't realize all we had to do. Thanks to them ... I have a great family.

1 comment:

  1. Sherrill2:34 PM

    Happy moving! I'm anxious to see you guys. So glad your dad and Jo could stay and help. What a blessing that was! Love You.
