Tuesday, May 19, 2009

baby steps

Jenn was here this past weekend and aside from scoring MAJOR deals on summer clothes we happened to take in a photography session at dusk. I am particularly fond of this picture with the bat-like cloud structure hovering above the nearby farm. Some of the picture did get cut off because of the file size but you get the picture. You can see the rest of my pictures along with some other recently downloaded albums here.

Most people who know me well, know that I am a bit particular when it comes to just a few things. Ok, some have called it "majorly OCD". A nurse/blog friend of mine was just chatting about this similar subject and I interject that I think all of us nurses have to have a small bit of OCD to help us do our jobs well. In any event, I have met my challenge in regards to my OCD. We. Are. Going. Camping. This. Weekend. My kind family has offered to start me off small - tent camping - in a state park - which means we have ... SHOWERS. THANK YOU, JESUS! I would need a major dose of tranquilizers to calm the effects of 3 days with no showers for not only me but my very messy two boys as well.

In about 5 seconds you're going to read something you probably didn't necessarily need to know about me, and that is that I'm in the shower at least twice a day. I have to shower when I get up for that crisp ready-to-go feeling. Then at night when my long day is over and I'm settling in for relaxing "me" time I need that warm, clean, comforting feeling. Now, throw in mowing or landscaping mid-day and then we're tackling shower #3. So! The thought of me going to the beach, sitting by a smoky fire, dirt floor, gooey marshmellows, wind, salt water air, dirt, more dirt, spiders (hives are beginning to develope now) ... well, you get the idea. At least I have a shower but will be slowly breaking my mold and easing into the thought of being dirty and looking at my filthy children for an extended amount of time. We'll see if we can do it without me scratching my own eyeballs out. Remember family: I love you, but please bear with me. (insert image of Bill Murray in "What About Bob?" saying in his meek voice ".... baby step get on the bus ... baby step sit in the seat")

I'm actually really looking forward to it. We grew up camping. But we also grew up camping in an RV or something to that effect. We had showers, carpet, sink, stove, TV. Nothing like this tent business. I want the boys to experience this as it's super fun for them and I don't want to be fun-spoiler so I am sucking it up but I believe I'll resemble much of the image of the hated girlfriend in Parent Trap who keeps dabbing herself in sugar water with the lizard on her head. But I'm up for the adventure and hopefully this won't be the last time you hear from me *wink*.


  1. You make me laugh... You are going to do just fine. Remember I will be here to help you thru it... I will have to laugh at least once... hehehehe Love you!!!

  2. Sherrill2:08 PM

    Don't forget your wet ones! ;o). So, wish I was going along on this one! hee hee

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    HAHAHAHA, I'm laughing my pants off. Only because I can remember when you lived closer and in RN school and we had to take the alcohol swabs from you. I can imagine this will be a riot. You will have fun and if you question yourself just keep repeating "I love this, I love this" to yourself. I'll be in relaxing in Florida at the beach house.

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Great picture by the way! I looked at your other website and I love the baby cows. Looks so peaceful out there.

  5. Yes, yes, it's true. We nurses do all have some sort of OCD tendencies.

    Happy camping! And happy showering too. I personally love camping for 3 days and having no shower. It's the only time it is socially acceptable to be dirty and smelly. I take full advantage of it!!!! So again, I say Happy showering.
