Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter 2009 & Backyard

Finally Easter pictures have emerged. See post below for all that we did but we had a great time. I still can’t believe how much Maysen looks like Nate and Maysen looks like me. I guess in a way that’s sorta how it’s supposed to go.

Bunny Tracks CAUGHT! And what a loot!!

Mmmmm Chocolate for Breakfast!! Does Chocolate Bunny count as protein?

Dad helping Fin find eggs at Aunt Danielle's house. He's the one who hid all 50+ some of them. Ahh, his mind is slippin...

There is one left ... and he "thinks" it is in the kitchen so the kids are on the hunt!

We’ve been working long and hard this weekend, thank goodness the weather has been beautiful (70s). Friday was spent hauling/loading donations for the garage sale I’m doing for Maysen’s school. It was the last day of parental donation-pick-ups so as you can imagine there was a ton! I had 4 van-loads plus 1 trailer full (Thanks to the guy who was unloading a chair). The rest of Friday was spent sanding our original deck so when the new deck was stained they matched. Saturday Nate and I spent 4hrs sorting donations with volunteers and I think we about got it sorted out. This week I’ll spend one more day pricing non-bulk items, Thursday setting up, then open on Friday. I still don’t have childcare figured out for Friday but I’m sure Lord-Willing it’ll happen. The rest of Saturday Nate stained our decks and I got the van washed up and back to pre-donation pickup.

Today was our shopping and planting day. We’d anticipated this day so it was fun. Nate got his Father’s Day gift (his new grill) and I got all my new flowers/chairs/plants and planters for Mother’s Day. The boys played in a bucket of water and water gun fights with the neighborhood kids so they were entertained. Now? We’re pooped. Nate should hear tomorrow whether they FT accepted his salary requirement. He took a vacation day tomorrow so he’ll be home. We plan on relaxing and maybe heading to Dorena Lake tomorrow.

So, with that said, here are the end result of our projects thus far. We still want to do some more planting and lay down mulch but you get the idea...

BEFORE: May, 2008 (last year)

Before, February 2009...

AFTER, Today.

Cement slab, BEFORE May 2008

Thanks to George and Dad for all the ears lent to Nate for his questions and frustrations. I'm sure proud of my Mr Handiman.


  1. WOW! Your backyard looks so nice! You have encouraged me to get out there and at least try... :) No green thumb here!!! :) Boys are getting big and they need to come see there auntie!

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Place looks great.I knew Nate could do it.Looks like the boys had fun doing the easter egg thing.They are growing up fast.
    Love Ya Dad

  3. Thanks guys! Jessica - there's not much of a green thumb here :) Just a lot of hard work ...

    Dad - you helped out a lot with suggestions and ideas so you were a big help. Thanks! The boys are getting big, thass why you need to make a trip up to the big OR .. ;-) Love you.

  4. Nicely done on the back yard! Keep it up and you'll never want to move!!!! Hee hee.

    And look at you supermom dying the eggs for easter. Much more zealous than myself. Wonderful memories.
