Friday, December 26, 2008

Santa Came

Can you believe it's over? It went as fast as it came. This year was another exciting holiday season as this week started with an ambulance call and an all-nighter in the ER. Yes folks, leave it to Leslie to start things off just blissfully (sarcasm). I had a sudden run of SVT, a very fast heart arrhythmia. I am fine, and aside from a few tests to make sure there is no heart defect, things are all back to normal now.

We got Maysen a hope chest this year for all of his keepsakes. Of course he didn't think this was nearly as cool as his Transformers or other cool toys, but I think he'll grow to appreciate this.

Griffin really didn't "get" Christmas or the whole present thing. He did pick up on the excited mood and did start to join in on the excitement with his own squeals and claps.

Once the toys were open he was having a ball. How to get them open and ready he left up to his brother!

Since I can't keep my stethoscope off of Maysen's neck and out of his ears, he got a doctor's kit for one gift. We've got to be the most immunized family on the block!

It was a fun Christmas morning and now it's all over for this year. Maysen snuck out of his room after Santa had come and fell asleep. He was covered up with a throw blanket and woke us up not stating that Santa had brought toys, but that "Santa ate my cookie!". All in different perspectives, I guess. Nate outdid himself this year. We had decided on a budget for "our" gifts and apparently he doesn't listen (why does this surprise me?) My two big gifts were a bread machine (something about the smell of fresh bread...) and a 70/300mm zoom lens. I love that man!

Christmas Eve was held at Nate's mom's house. It was fun as always ... and just as chaotic. There are 5 grandchildren that run laps around that house. I remember doing stuff like that as a child, so I can only imagine the memories those kiddos are forming with each lap and laugh.

Nate's mom made her lasagna ... so yummy! Along with lasagna we had wine (Um, yummy!) and by the looks of things, we had a few too many sips ... but pictures can speak a thousand words! I won't tell what we were talking about. That might incriminate me ...

Am I the only one who wonders why she's checking internal temp of lasagna? Hehe .. only kidding, mom. If someone ended up sick you'd never hear the end, and now you have proof it wasn't your lasagna! It was so perfect ...

The boys had a hard time sharing the job of Santa this year. Or, should I say MAYSEN had a hard time. He was Santa last year and wanted to be it again this year, but it was Jonas' job. Mom actually is "Santa" while the boys were the elves and helpers.

Then yesterday afternoon we had Christmas #3 at my sister-in-laws with Nate's dad. The above picture is of Nate's grandma and great aunt -- those two girls are very frisky and don't let them fool you. They crack me up with just about every phrase they can whip off their hip (like "that's softer than a frogs tail" ..?) and they're just so ornery I love it!

Is this a true Scovil or what!? I get such slack because I'm not a coffee drinker and apparently to be a real Scovil you've gotta be drinking coffee out of your bottle. Aunt Bonnie is the culprit behind this photo -- and also the culprit behind why Maysen likes coffee already. You're busted Aunt Bonnie!!

I attempted to take pictures for the family this year. We have one of "those" families where it's nearly impossible to get us all together so when we are, we have to take advantage. I'm not too happy with how they turned out, but lighting and miscommunication with my focus mechanism weren't my friends yesterday. Here's a pic of all the grandkids with Papa and Grandma Sherill.

Jenn was supposed to come, but due to an absolute freak of a snowstorm that hammered Portland, the weather was too dangerous for her to drive down here. She'll be coming tomorrow and staying the night. We'll be celebrating a late Christmas but also Fin's first birthday ... in a little over 14hrs, my baby will officially be one year old. And with that, another season is gone, a new year is around the corner, and we'll start all over again. Here's to hoping each and every one of you had a great holiday season ....

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