Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tricks and Treats .. and Flu Shots!

Last night was Griffin’s first Halloween. Ahh, the thoughts that must be going through one’s head. First you drag them out and stuff them in this suit. This suit is not only bulky but it usually includes some sort of head-cover which is just plain annoying. Then add on the fact that it’s 184F degrees in this thing because Mom and Dad have not only stuffed you in this sleeping bag, but made you wear 38 layers of clothing underneath. (Notice Mr Incredible's muscles in the above picture sitting with Bob and Bonnie)

I could see this thought process many times throughout the afternoon/evening on Fin’s face. He had a long day which started at 2:00pm. Fin had his 9mo well-baby check. Everything is going great as expected. He is no longer eating babyfood – he eats whatever we eat, when we eat with the exception of a snack in the afternoon. I’m weaning him off formula and starting to introduce milk in a sippy cup. He still gets his snuggly bottle of formula at bedtime and naptime, which he’s only taking one nap a day – from 11:30 – 2:00.
His stats:

Weight: 20lb 2oz (25%)
Height: 29.5 inches (70%)

He got his flu shot which didn’t make him happy but the nurse was AWESOME! She was so fast that she had the needle on the table done before Griffin even knew he had gotten a shot and started to cry. It drives me NUTS when nurse’s give the shots slow, “ Heeeeere’s the alcohol. We’ll do the fiiiiiiiiirrrrssssttttt one.” Last time that happened I about grabbed the needles and did the shots myself! So, I was very happy with “Katie”. Then we had to do the finger poke anemia screen and no one was happy about that either. One other thing I noticed, we had him strapped to his stroller and he HATES elevators. It scared him soooo much. Never had that happen before.
We headed to Bob and Bonnie's to visit. They usually don't get many trick-or-treaters so Maysen usually has full-reign of the candy bowl.

Then it was on to Grandma and Poppi's. I love the black pant area of this costume. Instead of the Speedo effect that Mr Incredible is supposed to possess, we have the saggy-diaper look.

We left Grandma and Poppi's house and grabbed McD on the way home. M had 2 bites of his burger when he was out like a light. Maysen is NOT one who takes naps so this was surprising to us as it was 5:30pm. Against our better judgement we continued to let him sleep home. Nap + Halloween Candy = up until 10:30pm. Oh well, it was Halloween. I stayed home with Griffin while Nate took Maysen treating. Griffin was beat and he'd had enough. I gave him some Tylenol to ward off any ill flu-shot side effects and he slept like a baby all night!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween. Back to investigating Maysen's Halloween bag. A mother can never be too careful ya know ....


  1. The boys look so cute. Happy Halloween from Aunt Jessica! We love you!

  2. I love M's rippling muscles. SO cute. Both boys are adorable.
