Yesterday we got Maysen his first bike. As the summer days have clicked by (where has it gone?) we’ve watched Maysen play with other kids in the neighborhood and there is only so fast you can swing those legs around on a trike. He was having a hard time keeping up with the kids and he was ready. So he’s now a full-fledged neighborhood bike rider with the other kids. And he loves it! He has some trouble getting up our drive way and other small inclines around the street, but he’s working that out.
Jenn and Garrett were here on Thursday. We had a lot of fun meeting Garrett and hope we get to see more of him. He lives in Montreal, Canada so we have given him a hard time about moving to the states vs him taking my sister away!! He’ll have Maysen and Fin to answer to! We hung out, played poker and Scrabble (which our ending scores were amazingly close!), and then Friday we went Belknap Springs which was gorgeous! It was Jenn’s last full day with Garrett so we headed home and just as they were leaving it was discovered Jenn’s car was broken. Her belt had fallen off due to an oil leak, so you can imagine how frustrated she was. Thank goodness for small towns! As we were getting her new belt, a couple of guys standing behind us at the parts store offered to come and help. They helped us get the new belt on and at least get Jenn and Garrett back to Portland. It was a fun visit, besides the breakdown.
We picked up those teething biscuits yesterday and Maysen could never tear through one of those. They’re sort of designed to be sucked/chewed on and not just break up. Not only does Griffin tear into them, he breaks them up and chews them like nobody’s business. And MAN are they a mess!!! We’re talking bath time after he eats one of those. He’s pulling up on everything and even using his walker some. I didn’t think he’d be a quick walker like Maysen who walked at 9mo, but I’m starting to think different. He’s not quite 8 mo and he’s pulling up on the couch, pants, chairs, baskets and now even using the walker a tiny bit. So we’ll see!!
I’ll leave you with a photo of Maysen and Jurny playing in the sprinkler. This just solidifies my point that I have a nudist child, who looks like a prancing horse.
I can't believe how big Fin is getting. How fun. The days go by so fast. Before you know he will also be outside with his cousins naked as ever. Love ya jess