Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Griffin saw Dr Pelinka yesterday for the last repeat follow-up until his 2mo check. His Phenobarbital level was 19 (goal level is in the 20s) so she has an email out to Dr Goins (pediatric neuro) to see what his opinion is about adjusting Fin’s dose. She also is inquiring about what the University of California (SF) had to say about Griffin’s MRI. Dr Goins sent it down there to be read by a pro pediatric neurologist – but it was sent down there the day he was discharged from the NICU and we still haven’t heard anything. So, hopefully he’ll respond to Dr Pelinka’s question.

His tone looked great! Last time his legs weren’t spontaneously kicking around, and this time they were, so she was encouraged. At home, he totally can do the things they look for - lifting his head, attempting to roll over, kicking legs all around. So, I asked if sometimes babies are just “that way” without any neurological problems. She said absolutely – her son was that way. So these “slow tone” in his extremities might not mean a thing! I had decided I would start video taping him and his responses (such as him moving his legs, lifting his head) because those are things they look for at OHSU and I am scared we get up there and Fin’s just relaxed and doesn’t do those things – then they’ll think “Hmmm, slow tone!” I got our hotel reserved for the night before so we can take things slow the morning of the appointment and no stress that day.

Dr Pelinka will be out of the country from Feb 8-18 so she won’t be directly involved with OHSU while that goes down, but Dr Herbert will be. She was the one initially who admitted Fin and was involved in his care at the beginning so we’re pretty involved with her, too, and comfortable with her handling things once we go until Dr Herbert comes back.

So my last post explained that Maysen was throwing up … well, Sunday night Nathan got sick. He took off Monday to recoup and also that the weather wasn’t so great to travel into work in the morning. Last night at 3am I woke up throwing up and was stunned when Nathan said he’d stay home from work again today to take care of me and the kids. I’ve slept much of the day and am starting to feel better. I’m tempted to keep Maysen home this week to get him (and everyone) well. If he brings another virus home I’m going to die…

I’m starting to help my sis-in-law with the Cr. Christian School auction that she puts on every year to help raise money to build a new building. It’s my first year helping and my task is getting the catering all figured out. So that’s my plan this week.

Hope everyone is staying well…

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