This was Maysen's creative front the other day. Yes; he (on his own) stacked them in the opposite order ... in pairs of 2. Amazing kid ...
So, apparently an update is long overdue! On Monday Fin had his appointment and everything is looking great! Dr Herbert said that if she hadn't known his history or anything he'd been through, he looks like a 100% normal kid. She said that they're trying to get his appointment up at OHSU moved closer than February 15th. He's apparently #1 on the cancellation list - I'm hopeful there will be one between now and then. It would be great as we start new insurance on Feb 1 - and right now we're maxed out paying no more in bills. It would be great to get this consult and all followup studies done in January so they're free!
His phenobarbital level is 26, which they want him in the 20s so that's perfect. They are testing for immunology studies but didn't draw enough blood (way to go lab!) so they'll have to draw more next Monday when he's seen again and has to have another phenobarbital level drawn.
Oddly enough, Maysen came home from school today with a backpack filled with papers. One of them was a "You're child's been exposed" letter stating that on/around December 20th, Maysen was exposed to a child with chicken pox!! Can you believe it?! I called the pediatrician's office to see if the FINAL virus culture that was run on Friday was negative, as the preliminary result on Saturday was negative. Perhaps this eye culture that came up positive for varicella was true! I haven't heard back from the pediatrician to see if this is even a feasible case, but sure would be an interesting one. Maysen never had the chicken pox during any of this ... and he's had the varicella vaccine, but you never know! So I thought I'd run it by the doctor to see.
Tonight my sister-in-law got induced. She and I's initial due dates were 3 days apart. If her boy is born after midnight/tomorrow then the boys will be exactly 3 weeks apart as Griffin's 3wk birthday is tomorrow.
Tonight is my night off! Nathan and I decided to get smart and take shifts. We did this with Maysen and it worked lovely. Aside from not sleeping much with one another, it was great. One night he's "on call" to the baby while I sleep soundly in the bedroom, and the next night is my turn. At least this way one of us gets a full night's sleep every other night. No use in both of us not getting sleep. Nathan started his new job Monday and so far is loving it. I'm so blessed to have a husband that recognizes that yes, he gets up and goes to work at 7am, but so do I. I stay home, but being a mommy to (now) 2 boys is just as much work as going to the office all day. I have to say that although my new job as a mommy to 2 kids just started, I'm loving this housewife/mommy thing. Very fulfilling for me.
As for me ... I'm doing great! My wound has almost completely closed and I'm almost done with antibiotics. I've gotten rid of 8lbs of fluid that my body was holding captive during my distressing time. I have a non-pregnant tummy again! (kinda). I have almost no pain now and doing normal things (even lifting Mr Man - I just have to). Nathan's doing great - what's interesting about him is that we got his labs back and they proved that this virus was destroying his muscles. When muscles are injured they'll release an enzyme and Nathan's level was 10x the normal number. He's doing fine now and this has all be nothing short of a miracle. So thank you all again for the thoughts, wishes, and prayers as I'm 100% sure that they were heard.
Glad you are all feeling better! Isn't being home fulfilling? I didn't find it as much when it was just J but with 2 I am really enjoying it.