Tuesday, January 1, 2008

He's Here!

Griffin Vaughn
12.27.2007 @ 2:13pm
Weight: 8lb 12oz
Length: 21" long

I'm so glad surgery is over!

All I do is eat and sleep!!

Happy Family!

Of course there is lots to this story I'll get into later. I went to my doc appt on Thursday 12.27.07 and although my BP was acceptable, it was still elevated so we decided to end my pregnancy (hooray!). That was decided at 10:15am and he was born at 2:13pm. Although he was just over 3 weeks premature he is perfect in every way - especially lung function - and he's the size of a full-term baby! I was in the hospital Thurs - Sunday and so far things have gone well as far as Fin is concerned.

I did great while in the hospital - I was so thankful that the pain I experienced was only a fraction of what I had with Maysen. I was up walking almost pain free, no IV, no catheter, and happy 18hrs after he was born. I guess I thanked my lucky stars too soon, because the pain got progressively worse. I decided I'd work through it and went home Sunday. I had my followup appointment yesterday to get my staples removed and once they were removed we discovered the culprit of my pain: seroma which has inhibited 2" of my incision to close and requires would dressings twice a day. I had this a bit with Maysen. Although it's not serious, it is annoying and somewhat painful when I first get up, which requires narcotics to keep things tolerable. I'm also on antibiotics to prevent any infection. I'm frustrated because I'm back to going to the doctor every 2 days to check my incision. But, when I look Fin in the eyes, it's more than worth it. Griffin had his doctor appointment yesterday, too, regarding his slight jaundice. The doctor said he was looking better, and we didn't need to do a needle stick. He has lost 10oz since he was born and Friday we have to go back and do a week-old weight check.

Tomorrow my dad and Jo are coming up for a bit. They're crossing the Siskiyou pass tomorrow evening so pray for no snow and safe conditions. They'll be here until late weekend. I'm thankful they're close because they met Maysen when he was 5mo old and they'd missed out a lot. We've also been blessed with lots of family around that have loved coming over and coo'ing over Griffin. I have a great family who want to be so involved.

Nate is home for the next few weeks - which is a God Send because of the fact I can't do much. It's nice having family time with just the 4 of us now.

Will write more later. Wanted to get a few pics up, though. Please check the rest of them (I have tons this time - didn't get many with M so we compensated) on my Flickr account.


  1. congratulations, and welcome to Griffin!!! HE's so cute! :)

  2. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Oh wow!! He's such a gorgeous baby! I know alot of people say that about other babies, but he literally is very beautiful!! You look great for just having surgery!!

  3. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I feel very fortunate to have gotten to hold my feesh five hours after he was born! Can't wait to see him this weekend!

  4. Wow, what a big boy for being 3 weeks early. Whew!

    He's gorgeous. Well done mom. Enjoy that babymoon.

  5. Congratulations, he is beautiful! I hope the jaundice clears up and that your incision heals quickly. Welcome to life as a family of four!

  6. Wow--after 3 tries, I finally got an account. Great to see that Griffin arrived safely--and he is so handsome!! Maysen looks like a very proud brother. And, you are so lucky to have Nate be at home for so long to help with the adjustment of a new baby!

    We wish you all Happy New Year and many blessings through the year! You are all blessed--beautiful family!

    Love Aunt Lynda and Uncle Rick
