Sunday, December 9, 2007

Fin's nursery and recipe

I didn't update about my doctor appointment on Friday. I (for once) didn't get admitted on Friday. I relaxed in my recliner during my non-stress test and my BP came down to 142/70 which allowed me to come home. No protein in my urine - thanks to bed rest. She confirmed she is going to deliver Griffin at 36-37wks, which is in about 2 weeks. I am hoping to stay at home and out of the hospital until she decides to deliver, but it'll probably be an appointment-by-appointment thing, which my next one is Tuesday. One thing's for sure - Griffin will be here either right before or right after Christmas. Our little Christmas Bee!

This weekend was spent going 100mph again (Nate, not me. I watched - which is just as exhausting!) Knowing that we could have a baby in a matter of days depending on how things go put us in gear to get Griffin's nursery done. We've been putting it off and I'm such a "preparer" that I like things done and in order (some call it OCD).

Nate let me sleep in today while he and Maysen made French Toast. We got started on this nursery yesterday. Nate put all the pieces together and Maysen conquered his fear of the drill. Such a proud look when he said, "Dad and Maysen fixed this!" and pointed at the dresser. I love that!

As you can tell, we've chosen a firetruck theme, which so far has been fun. What I'm excited the most to try is the video monitor that is perched above the crib. It's actually pretty cool!

Maysen has new light on this Griffin business. He's realizing that there is a baby coming and it wasn't until we got out the baby car seat that he wanted to revert to the baby. "I'm baby Maysen!" He's even climbed up into the crib on occasion. This could be interesting, as he's insisting already that we move his bed into Griffin's room. This is going to be fun, I think.

I apologize for not putting this up sooner, but I've had a couple of people request the recipe for the caramel I made, so here it is:

1/2c butter
1c brown sugar
1/2c whipping cream
1 tsp vanilla

1. Cook butter and brown sugar in a heavy saucepan over medium heat, stirring occasionally, until sugar melts.
2. Stir in whipping cream; Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Let boil approx 30 seconds.
3. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla; Allow to cool slightly.
4. Serve over ice cream or with fruit, such as apple slices. Or pour into jars for gifts. Makes about 2 cups.

1 comment:

  1. i love the nursery - it looks great!
    HOpe you are able to rest these last few weeks, and can't wait to hear about Griffin's arrival :)
