Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ah Ha!

I am psychic. I swear. I told everyone I would get the dreaded flu everyone else was getting on Sunday night, just in time for Nate to go back to work. What do you know! About 7pm I started throwing up for an 18hr round-the-clock session of puking my guts up. I was starting to get concerned with my heart rate around 130 andmy blood pressure sinking lower and lower due to dehydration. Thankfully I was able to keep liquids and food down 18hrs after this ordeal happened. I have the best husband - upon my first urgent trip to the bathroom, he started calling around for a place for Maysen to stay so I could rest (ALONE) the next day. And boy did I need it!! I'm just so thankful to Aunt Bonnie for being so generous with her time in letting us drop Maysen over there when we needed it the most.

I had my OB appointment today. Griffin is still doing well, however pre-eclampsia is rearing it's ugly little head in me. I didn't really have any problems until 39wks with Maysen, but I'm starting early with this one! My BP was elevated (again) but did come down after a 10min rest and re-check. The bad part is that I'm spilling protein from my kidneys into my urine already. I am now seeing the doctor TWICE weekly for regular checks and fetal non-stress tests. She made a comment about how she would take me off of work, had I been working, for modified bed rest and how I'm sort of doing that now that I'm home. Ha!! I said "Do you have a 3yr old?" Modified Bed Rest being a stay-at-home mommy with a 3yr old. I don't think so! So, I have to make a conscious effort to let the laundry go, let Maysen color more, and get used to watching the same cartoons over and over and over. I definitely need to start taking it easy ...


  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Hope you feel better. :-( I'm finally getting over my cold.

  2. Yes take it easy! Hoping the rest of this pregnancy will go smoothly.....

  3. Praying for you and Griffin - rest up - I still send J-man to daycare once a week - just to save my sanity - do you have someone who can take Maysen one afternoon or morning a week to help you out?
