Thursday, August 23, 2007


One 2.5yr old + One black permanent marker + One 5min phone conversation with a mom thinking he was playing "Fred and Bob" = 2hrs of Magic Eraser, Goof Off 2, hurt shoulder, aching back, fumes, and inside laughter.

And just when I sat yesterday afternoon thinking "I should blog. But about what?" Be careful what you wish for. What amazes me, is that in my stir of "OH NO" I actually thought to grab my camera and capture the "I'm sure this will be funny one day" moment. What you don't see is the string of marker all the way down the hall along the wall, on my kitchen lower cabinets, and one streak on our carpet. I'm just very very thankful that Nate came home and helped and the majority came up by 11:00pm. I still have to do another coat of paint on my walls - and more scrubbing on my floor with the Magic Eraser, but that should do the trick.

Thank the LORD Bonnie is gracious enough to let me bring the monster over to her house so I can finish it up, and maybe sneak a nap in. Oh, did I tell you I mowed, weeded, pulled bulbs, and winterized a few plants yesterday? Then when the boys went swimming I swept my pre-marker floor, windexed my windows, and dusted. So, the growing baby wasn't too happy with me by the time I went to bed last night - so I thought I'd be nice and give me ... 'er, IT a nap :-)


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I would have crapped my pants. Ah, the life of a little Bean!

  2. oh my gosh! those silent moments always get me wondering. Note to self: leave permanent markers HIDDEN! :)

  3. What a little turkey! I know this all too well. I truly feel your pain.
