Monday, July 9, 2007


I don't know where I've been - just pooped out. We had a BBQ for the 4th of July. Jenn brought her boyfriend, Josh, whom we had yet to meet. He and Maysen hit it off which was nice to see. Maysen was a bit afraid of the loud fireworks, so we sat back on the porch in the rocking chairs and watched from there - he felt more safe.

I had my first OB appointment on Friday. It went really well. I am having a dating ultrasound on Thursday. My labs came back and everything looks good - although I have a bit of a UTI, so I'm being treated for that now.

I worked 4hrs today, which I haven't worked since my last day June 15th. It was weird going back - how much I missed my coworkers!

Although it's been a week - I don't have much news. I'm loving my reality shows so far this summer - Hell's Kitchen and Big Brother!


  1. Looks like you had a great holiday :)
    i hope your UTI goes away soon, i HATE those with a passion. lots of cranberry juice!
    we love watching hell's kitchen too! Do you find that Bonnie looks like Elisabeth Hasslebeck from the View?

  2. Kelly,

    She TOTALLY does, Nate and I were talking about that last night. Did you know Kail from Big Brother (The older one who owns businesses) is from Oregon - about 20miles from here, no less! She actually lives right by my brother-in-law's parents. So, that's neat "knowing" one of them.
