Wednesday, June 6, 2007

grab the benadryl ... oh ...

Maysen looks like a rabbit in this picture - gotta love digital camera lag. He had been a good boy during grocery shopping, so as promised he got new playdough. Why are kids drawn to EATING playdough? I was a kid once too, and yes - I even ate playdough. It's salty, bland, and nothing I'd put in a bowl and sit down with. So why are they drawn to eating it?

After playing with "snake maker" and "worm hatcher" with playdough, I let him play by himself while I made dinner. After about 10min things got very quiet. I looked over and saw this. My first instinct was that he was having an allergic reaction to the playdough as his face was covered in a rash. As I looked closer, it looked like he had make-up on. Playdough is now known as finger paints! Oh well ... no harm, no foul and we had a good laugh.

Tomorrow is Nate's stepdad's mom's memorial. She passed a month ago down in California and we're just now doing the memorial. I'm not taking Maysen to that - I can only imagine trying to keep a 2.5yr old still and quiet.

I love this part of my job: calling 85yr olds who can't hear you when you're standing 6" from their face, let alone over the phone. Best part? When they insist you SPELL things to them. Here's me, after working 12hrs, patience running thin: "F - as in Frank ... no F! Not M ... FRANK not MARY! .... B as in BOY. No, B! BALL ... no NOT FALL!!". I finally resolved it with mailing a letter.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd the nausea is back. Goody!


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM


  2. Anonymous11:07 PM

    That is hilarious! I can see I'm going to have to keep on eye on that boy when he's here....ha ha. I better "M" proof the place huh? ha cute! He's a crack up.

  3. I remember eating so much homemade (and very salty) playdough as a kid that I got sick once.

    Thanks for checking out my blog. I'll be looking in on you.

