Saturday, June 9, 2007

Here Ducky-Ducky...

My sister was here yesterday from Portland and we took Maysen to feed the ducks which is always an ordeal. He usually gets wet once and almost bit a couple of times. He loves it there and we had a great day. Here are some more great shots, courtesy of my rockin photographer sister.

Tomorrow is Nate and I's 7, count 'em SEVEN, year anniversary. I don't think we have any plans as our cruise to Alaska (ALONE) was sort of planned for that purpose. I'm going to a play with my mother-in-law in the afternoon, which will be fun. Maybe I'll get him to make macaroni and cheese for me (AND with the added bonus of him cleaning up too! Now wouldn't that be a treat!) Have a good rest of the weekend.


  1. How are you feeling these days?

  2. Hi Running :) It depends on the day! Lately I'm A-OK in the morning, then I'll feel crummy off and on - nothing stops or starts it. Tired of course but can't sleep at night. It's a cruel, cruel joke :)
