Friday, May 25, 2007

Our Entertainment:

Maysen learned how to fill his cup up in our fridge. The most fun thing for him is filling it up and sprinting to the sink to dump it. By the time we caught him, he had spilled some water on the floor and slipped. Then it became a game.

Now this video is of Maysen "reading" the last page of his book. It has about 8 things on each page, and Maysen was in warp speed on reciting his newly learned items. They include (you can follow along with Maysen): nummies (gumdrops), kitty, "whistle" (pacifier), worm, money (coins), doggy, pea, bee, school bus, rocket,*pause*, giraffe, mountains, skyscraper, and ... (eventually) horsie.

And one last video ... to show what a Master Wagon Driver looks like, Mr Papa. Nate wasn't as graceful. I'll spare him the embarrassment and not show him :-)


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I'll have you know, me, and a bunch of boys from Canada watched this video and thought this was hilarious. :) Little Bean!H

  2. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I loved the "I slippppt" video! HA
