Monday, April 2, 2007

Fillin up the gas tank - rocks: $0.02/gall

It's official. My "baby" boy is going to pre-preschool starting September 4th. He'll be attending a a Christian school (or Christian Childcare Center) but they teach 2.5yr old - 5th grade (I believe?). He'll go all day Monday and Friday (both are days I work) and then only the AM on Tuesdays - so that will enable me to actually do a couple loads of laundry, take a walk, or whatever mommy-alone time requires for a few hours. I think it will be great for him, as he's very interested in being with other children right now. He'll be 3 in November and he loves being around other kids his age. Plus learning curriculum will be great for him. You can work with your kid all you want at home, but it's something about getting them out with other kids and learning with a teacher...

On a side note, today was his first day at Kristina's, our new babysitter on Mondays. She's the first person that we've taken him to that wasn't family or friend so that was hard. Since my motherinlaw said they couldn't watch him on Mondays anymore, we had to find something - so we found her. She watches another boy Maysen's age and then her 3yr old daughter all day until her other 2 kids (5 and 8) come home from school. Although it was hard (he cried asking where momma and dadda were acouple of times today) I think the transition of getting him around a few kids will set him up nicely for school in September.

We bought him sandals last weekend ... they were having a buy one get one half off deal .. so we actually bought him another pair - one size bigger - for his "school shoes". And just yesterday I was praying I'd go into labor to get the 10lb booger out of me.

Oh - another side note about him - he puked for the first time on Friday. Now, he spit up as a baby, but never actually vomited because he was sick. I checked on him before bed, kissed his forehead and he was burning up! Temp was 102.8. Changed him, cooled him off, laid with him ... 20min later I picked him up off the couch and "MWWWWLLLAAAAA" (puke sound - and yes I sounded it out). He just stood there - rigid - not knowing what to do. When he could breathe, puke still coming out his nose all he could muster was "Momma I scared ..." HEART BREAKING!! He bounced back like a charm the next day though and was fine. Kids are so weird like that ... (sometimes).

PS: My sister's move this weekend was successful. Poor Matt and Nate worked their bee-hinds off ... and we were all in zombo-mode by Sunday's end.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Ah, yes. The rocks in the lawn mower. That's awesome.

