Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Company Time!

The day after Julie left from our wild weekend, my dad and my step mom, Jo, were here for a visit for a week. They're fulltime RV'ers and roam around the US managing RV parks. They just left Florida where they managed a park for 18mo. They left and took a few weeks off before they start their new job March 15th in Lake Elsinore, California. We had a great time hanging out. We went to Alton Baker Park, looked at manufactured homes (dad and Jo want to settle down sometime and are looking at them - perhaps moving onto part of our land we're going to buy), lots of driving of Mase's new toy from papa - a remote control truck ... well, we just had a good time. Just to be all together and not have "anything" planned was nice. The weather was amazing. It was supposed to be rainy - and in fact was sunny and 60+ degrees every day! What a nice surprise!

Dad and Nate worked on our "fence project" - which was tearing it down by our drive way and pushing it back. Andy is going to pour concrete there so Nate has a pad to park his truck on now that we have 3 vehicles.

We are going to California next month to visit them in their new park - and to go to Disneyland for a few days. So we'll see them again soon. And the fact that it might be a possibility that in a few years they'll be around regularly and close (on our land) is amazing. It feels good that I'll have some family back. Moving out to Oregon, I left "my" family back in the midwest. Jenn, my sis, moved to Portland so that's been great, but having my dad close will be even better.

My stepmom in law is in town for a week helping D get ready for her auction. I'm proud of her - she's the head of an auction raising money for a Christian School here in town to build their own building. She works so hard on it, seeing the $$ they bring in makes it all worth it.

Back to laundry ....

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