Sunday, February 4, 2007

Yachats weekend

After making a million turn arounds trying to find the beach house, we finally found it and unloaded the van and headed to the beach. The weather wasn't too bad - at least it wasn't raining. About 54, which with the wind is about 45 right on the water. Maysen was ready to get to the beach. I put his monkey leash on him, thinking we'd climb around on the rock-type beach that Yachats is known for. We get there, and wouldn't you know. High tide. All the rocks were almost covered with every wave. So, we decided to walk the 1mi trail that leads past the rocks and to a sandy beach. We're carrying 2 blankets, buckets, 2 backpacks, a sack, a kite, and miscellanous other objects as we tredge out on the 1mi trail. Arms feeling as though they would fall off and eyes burning from the wind, we finally make it there. What do I see rounding the corner? Nothing but rock. Sure, Leslie. Why didn't you think of that Leslie? Wouldn't there be high tide at the sand beach too? The water was up so high there was NO sand ... only ankle-fracture-waiting-rocks as far as the eye could see.

Nate suggests that we "make do" and wait out the tide. Poor Maysen was trying to crawl all over the rocks, Nate's trying to fly the kite, my butt is being bruised with every position change. But it was a nice time. Finally after an hour or so the tide went down enough that we were able to get on the sand some, with the occasional sneaker wave, which would require picking up Maysen at warp speed so he didn't get buried in water.

S and M had a room full of toys at the beach house, so Maysen was in HOG HEAVEN! We just let him do whatever and he was finally ready to crash early. I was suprised he slept as well as he did, but he slept until 7:45 on the make-shift bed we made out of a window seat. I got some pretty cool pictures on the way home. Oregon has beautiful scenery. Enjoy..


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    I'm glad you had an awesome time. you and me are gonnah afta hit Cannon Beach sometime, you realize. I'll bring the booze.


  2. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Hi, I showed Roger all your pictures. We enjoyed them..... You do such a great job!!! And, we noticed Maysen's hat :o). Man, he's growing up fast..... Love You. Mom (NaNaNeeNeeNuNu)
