Monday, February 12, 2007

Hungry Hungry Hippo

Remember that game? That's total blast from the past! So, granted, I'm not the smallest, most petite person in the world, but MAN DO I FEEL LIKE HER. Gee, could it be that in the state of Oregon from October until March it's raining almost 24/7 and you don't see the sun at all? After awhile you never want to leave your house, becoming more like a hibernating bear just wanting to sleep and have your belly rubbed. I have, however, been a bit optimistic with how the weather has been over the last few days. My daffodils and tulips are starting to come up, which motivates me to get out in my yard and prepare for the beauty to come.

Ok - gotta talk about it. Anna Nicole. A) It's amazing to me that people are so wrapped up in HER and now her death B) Pretty coincidental that Mr Lawyer Boy was around close by when Danny Boy died ... and now this; which leads me to YIKES that he has custody of that baby girl C) Do we really need toxicology reports? That woman was so drugged up she never knew what planet she was on. If I was doped up on meth, or "Trimspa" every minute of the day, I bet I'd lose a gazillion pounds too (Hmmm ... that's a thought). D) Reports claim the day before her death she ran a 105 degree fever, so her "private nurse put her in an ice bath". Hmmmm, 105 degrees will cook your brain ... not that she had much to begin with but! Her "private nurse" should have taken her to the hospital instead of putting her in a bathtub to bring it down. Bringing a temp that high down so quick is just as physiologically harmful - you're supposed to bring it down gradually as to not shock your body. But hey, what do I know? I'm not getting paid $200,000/yr to be a private nurse to Anna Nicole. Let's just throw that hag in a bathtub of ice. Yea.

So there's the thought of the day. I'm betting one of two things. She either a) drugs *ding ding* or b) some sort of pulmonary embolis from a recent hush-hush surgery no one was supposed to know about and we'll rule it "natural causes".

SIDE NOTE: Yes, I'm "supposed" to have John Mayer "Daughters" song/video playing when you open my site. I've been told by some that they hear the creepy YAHOO-OOO logo being played instead of the music when you open my blog. I'm told that this Yahoo logo is played for those who have mondo firewall protection, because most of my readers can hear the song and see the video at the bottom of the blog with no problems. For those who only hear YAHOOOO-OOOO, no I'm not a weirdo and just like to have that randomly play on my site. Love ya, BC.


  1. some of my bulbs are starting to come up, but i'm digging them all out. it's horrendous - i never would have planted them, but these are the joys of buying a house from someone who had no idea how out of control bulbs can get.
    that hippo pic reminds me of the hippopotamous song from telus.'re from oregon - you might not know it. anyway, it's a cute one and my daughter always laughs when i sing it.

  2. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Well don't feel bad it's raining in the good ole Ky to
