Saturday, February 17, 2007

Train Go Bye-Bye

Today has just been a ... weird day. It started off with a) the sound of flushing coming from our spare bathroom. I don't think much of this, because Maysen has been learning to do random acts, and I figure the sooner he learns to flush the toilet the better (and put the seat down, mind you). Well ... then out he walks saying "Da twain diawighewwwkdin fwush kdigheiwkhdg bye-bye!". Um. So I go into the bathroom and I see the rising swirl of toilet water. Yep. He had taken a toy train and flushed it. So, up came the toilet, a coat hanger jimmy-rigged into a train fishing pole, and 5min later we had retrieved (and put away) the train.

So, then we decide we'll go out for lunch, since b) it's unseasonably warm at a cool 67 degrees! We did errands, picked up dry cleaning (which we missed the dry cleaners closing by ONE minute, so I knocked on the door and they were gracious enough to open and give me my comforter, so I tipped her). Old Navy was having a sale on kids stuff, so Maysen got a few summer shirts, feeling in the spirit with the sunny/warm day.

We get home, and motivated Nate decides he'll mow the grass - since it was starting to look like a vacant lot. In Oregon it never gets too cold, so the grass stays green always and KEEPS GROWING. With my windows open and the smell of newly mowed grass, all was well. So I decide I'll put fresh sheets on my bed with my new clean comforter and so I do a load of laundry (I'm aware this is getting rather lengthy...sorry). So I heave my pants into the washer too ... I walk away, pick up various shoes/trucks/airplanes and then it hits me. c) MY CELL PHONE WAS IN MY PANTS. Um, by the time I got it out, it was doing weird lights I had never seen before and making "Mwwwwaarrrr" noises. Luckily I have a flip phone I got new and never cared for so went back to my old one - so I have the flip phone hopes my old one dries out.

And yes, I've had caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Sounds like a fun weekend. :)

