Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Don't pee on Julie.

Well, we did it. We will be proud BMW owners tomorrow at 5pm. That's when we get to pick it up. I'll post more pics of it when we get it, but I'm just stoked that it has automatic windshield wipers that adjust to the heaviness of the rain. In Oregon, that's a must - you're CONSTANTLY turning them off, then warp speed, then mild. So that will be nice!

We also learned we've been saving 4x the amount of money we've been needing to for Nate's taxes. Nate is a software developer for Weyerhaeuser, but is contracted, so theoretically he's his own business. Which gets hairy because you have to pay taxes every quarter instead of once a year. And it's really just an "estimate" when you first start off because nothing is stable. Well, we'd been saving 1/3 of every check he had and putting it in a mutual fund collecting interest until taxes. We found an AWESOME accountant who got us a gazillion deductions including part of our mortgage for Nate's "office", mileage, cell phone bill, you name it! So, bottom line is we've been saving 4x too much money every month since June of last year. That's a nice bonus :-)

Julie, my old roommate from Kansas State University, is coming to Eugene for a conference Thurs-Sunday. I haven't seen her since before we left Kansas 3 years ago. Amanda, another dorm roomie/friend, moved to Portland Oregon 2 years ago. She is coming down Saturday and we're going to dinner/drinks. I haven't hung out with these two girls together since my wedding almost 7 years ago. So, that should be lots of fun. Julie has always been a party girl, the thought of marriage gave her hives so when I was planning MY wedding in our small dorm room she was going in and out of delirium. So, I'm curious as to how she's going to do staying 4 days at my house with my 2yr old running screaming like a banshee buck-naked through the halls. And if he pees on her ... well, we won't talk about that. Poor Julie. Now look at her! She's graduating from Columbia LAW SCHOOL in May.

I think that's it for now as I'll be super mad crazy over the next few days. I'll post pics this weekend.

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