Tuesday, January 9, 2007

No Phase II

I miss my backyard in the summertime. This trumpet vine got HUGE this summer and the brilliant red/orange flowers were so pretty to see first thing in the morning. They're calling for snow tomorrow and tomorrow night, which for Oregon is rare (how many times have I said that already?) We're talking average hi's and lo's for Oregon this time of year is 48/34. This week will be 35/23. So, good luck to the rest of the US to the east of us - she's headed your way!

Nate called me this morning and said that Scott, Nate's supervisor, pulled him and the other local contractor into his office and said that they are not going to proceed with Phase II of the current project they're working on. So, when his contract is up in June he'll be without a job. Scott then proceeded to say that "if" he had an opportunity to hire them full time/permanent he would, but as of now that's all he knew. He wanted to tell them before it was announced in the morning scrum meeting by Ross, the main guy from Denver. So, what has progressed since then? Well, Nate emailed Frank who works in the Denver office whom he met during his business trip to Denver to see if there would be any positions available for him in the Denver office. Then Mel, his other supervisor, told him in confidence not to make any irrational decisions because there "might" be an opportunity for him to stay full time "if" this other project goes through. Augh! At this point, he'll be updating his resume on Monster.com to see what is out there for him. We knew this could be a possibility, but was hoping that all phases would go through and eventually Nate would get hired as a permanet employee for Weyerhaeuser. I guess we'll see what journey he's in store for now.

I wish it were summer again ....

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