Saturday, January 20, 2007

Attack 'O Flu

Flu attacked my behind (almost literally) yesterday. I pretty much did nothing but lay in bed and listen to John Mayer, my new found love. iTunes is a dangerous thing, it's so easy to click "Buy Song" and there you have it! Not only did I miss work yesterday but I had to miss our post-holiday office party which was last night after work. Nathan "misunderstood" that I said it was OK for Maysen's to stay home. He usually goes to Bonnie's on Fridays, but since I was staying home sick, Nathan assumed he didn't need to go to Bonnie's. Where the logic lies with that, I have no idea - because who wants to chase a 2yr old around between bathroom visits of puking and ... well, nevermind. Nathan was home at 3pm so that helped. I slept until 8. Today we're laying low, going to nap this afternoon - then maybe I'll have enough energy to go to Costco for new cordless phones. Priorities.

My dad and stepmom are leaving Florida this spring. They're semiretired and travel around managing RV parks/resorts. They've been near Fort Meyers Florida for a year now and just accepted a new job in between San Diego and Los Angeles starting this spring. I'm excited that they'll be closer to us than Florida. At least the flight down there will be shorter - I believe there is a non-stop flight from Eugene to LA.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Tis the season to need pepto! Being home sick with a toddler is a new form of hell! This I discovered this week - next time I am shipping him off to daycare, to the mother in laws, anywhere but with me ;-)

  2. get better soon!! i just battled being since since early decemeber..ohhhhh bitterness
