Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Holiday Party 1

Well, at least I can say the ice picks have stopped stabbing me in the chest. I'm just hacking up all sorts of fun stuff now. I called in sick today and let Maysen go to Aunt Bonnie's for the day like planned. OH MAN ... was that the best medicine! I dozed in and out of sleep until about 11am, and I don't think I got out of bed until after noon, in which case I ran a bath and just laid there for an hour. After a snooze, I felt like a whole new woman and decided I'd load myself up on drugs, and go with Nathan to his holiday party this evening. It was held at his office supervisor's house, and it was a blast. They had a white elephant gift exchange, and last minute I threw together the BEST present. Everyone in Nate's office has a great/sick sense of humor. About 2 years ago (still immature and irresponsible) Nate got drunk at our apartment complex and while everyone else was in the hottub, he decided he'd "dive" into the pool. Although he got the deep and shallow ends mixed up. Thank GOD he didn't break his neck, but he did manage to scrape up his face pretty good - which postalcohol was pretty funny. I snapped a not-so-impressed photo of Nate and decided this would be a GREAT white elephant gift. He was game, and actually SIGNED it, I found an old frame and there it was. It was the hit of the party - of course the story of Shallow End Diving Nate was even more hysterical telling. Scott, the office supervisor, plays in a band so after the good food (they catered Thai food in!), laughing, and gift exchanges we all went to their little studio, played pool, and listened to the guys play. Maysen even got out some instruments and played/danced right along with them.

After about 3hrs I was pooped and starting to sniffle again, so we came home. I'm not so sure Nate would appreciate me posting his embarrassing photo for the world to see ... so I'll refrain. But trust me, it's a great one.

Luckily I have the rest of the week off to continue to get well. I know, shouldn't have gone to the party when I called in sick. But I needed fresh air and good laughs, and 3hrs won't kill me. I'm now back in my PJs, sipping hot tea, and ready to crawl into bed. Why is it my 2yr old is only down and out for 2 days and I'm out for a week? There's a conspiracy there somewhere, I'm sure!

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