Monday, December 18, 2006

Good Morning, Mom.

So, I'm on vacation this week. Well, my doc is on vacation - which defaults me to being on vacation. So, I'm thinking "Ahhhh this is nice" as I'm sleeping in .. until I get my rude awakening: "POOOOOPY..... MAMA .... POOPY!" I roll over just as I get a diaper thrown in my face. Maysen's got a great aim already! My bed is a tall bed. If I stand right up against it, it comes to my waist and I'm 5'4". I see his arm flailing in the air as I am bopped in the face with a diaper. Good morning, mama!


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    That's my Bean!


  2. Well .. it was a CLEAN diaper he threw at me .. as if to say "CHANGE IT!"
