Friday, November 10, 2006

Choo Choo!

I was talking with one of my patients who is about 70yrs old. She mentioned she was going to see her daughter in Seattle and that her "train left at 5:30am". I was immediately jolted back into the past. Her "train?" Who rides trains for travel anymore? I didn't even know there was a train station in Eugene.

As quick as the "WHAT?" thought came to mind, then the "Wow, that would be neat" thought followed. Maysen is absolutely OBSESSED with trains, in particular the Polar Express, which incidentally was the last movie Nathan and I saw childless - seeing it in the movie theatre only 2 days before Maysen was born. And when I say obsessed, I mean we literally watch that movie twice a day.

But what a great idea. Boarding the train for a relaxing ride to a new place we've never been. Sitting back taking in all the fall scenery along the river ... listening to the hypnotizing sound of the train on the tracks.

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