I can't imagine the uses this bridge endured from 1923 until the day it closed. It saw days from when people struck it rich during the Gold Rush, Korean War, WWII, Vietnam, bomb scares, etc, etc, etc. I love history. Under this bridge is the original gold filtering system that was built with this bridge in 1923. Through a series of water falls and pullies, gold was filtered out of the Trinity River. They say 90% of the gold is still in the mountains of California. And with the price of gold going back up ... it might be worth to start mining again. (I'd better go get myself a donkey).
Terrible Two's have set in with Maysen. Not only does he scream at the top of his lungs when you remove him from a situation he wants to stay in plus ball his fists up while screaming ... but his new thing is grabbing the biggest handful of my hair he can muster, and yanking with all his might. He's turning into "one of those" kids you see and go "Oh My! My child will *never* act like that!". We were at a birthday party yesterday when he pulled that stunt. You can imagine the look of "no he just didn't!" that was across my face. Discipline needs to take a turn...
He's still a cute little Bean!