Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Mase and his Popo:

Update on Nathan's license suspension. I think when I last posted about this, we were applying for a hardship permit. I had contacted the Eugene DMV, explained Nate's situation and that I didn't want to spend $125 for this permit (in total) if it was hopeless. What I was told by "Beverly" was "...Oh, they'd have to have a pretty good reason to deny your application..." So, away went my $125 and about a week later, we got our answer. Denied. Why, you might ask? Well, with his suspension, childcare and work are simply not allowed. That's it! So I faxed a letter to the DMV in hopes to get my $125 back (I doubt it works). If I had known, or was advised, that this sort of thing wasn't allowed with this suspension, I wouldn't have wasted my money. They send you a 4 page application, and no where does it state what is and what isn't allowed. Then they sit behind their little desk with these books of stipulations to certain suspensions. BS! So, we'll see. Nathan was advised the only way around the suspension was to write a letter to the Creswell judge (who happens to only be available one day per month, because this "judge" is actually just a volunteer ... welcome to Smalltownville) in hopes that he'll overturn the SEATBELT violation (which was his 4th violation is 24mo, hence his license being taken away). So, he did ... and after waiting a week, we were notified that since Nathan had paid the ticket, he had automatically pled guilty, and they couldn't overturn the conviction. So, here we are. Day 1 of no license. Thankfully, Eugene mass transportation bus runs out to Creswell, and Nathan is able to ride it to work/school. And luckily we have a great family support system who is willing to help with picking up/dropping off Maysen. Thank God it's only 30 days.

On a lighter note, Nathan graduates in 5 weeks with his Computer Software Developement degree. And after putting his resume on monster.com, he has managed to score two phone interviews. One was for Weyerhaeuser, which he had yesterday and went *REALLY WELL* and is having a face-to-face interview with them Friday. And the other is a technical phone interview with Microsoft tomorrow. The downfall to Microsoft (although it would be a *wonderful* experience for Nate) is that it's in Bellevue, WA. We would have to give up a lot to move up there. Nate talked to them today to confirm the phone interview for tomorrow and actually told them he'd have to make $X for us to move up there (which we thought it would be so much they'd shoot us down) and he was told that it would be considered and evaluated after his interview. So, we'll see. I'm personally rooting for the local Weyerhaeuser job (it's 6mi from our house).

Tomorrow is my Friday because Dr D is taking Friday and Monday off. And because my normal days off include Tues, Thurs, Sat, Sun that means I will have Thur-Tues off. And nothing really to do. I should go on a trip. Hawaii sounds nice ...

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