Friday, May 26, 2006


I'm in a total fog today. One of those "can't quite wake up" mornings. Thank goodness it's a holiday weekend. And I have a 4-day weekend because I have Tuesdays off.

Our weather has crapped the bed. It was 70s-80s and gorgeous! Blue sky, no clouds. Now it's been raining for a week and 50s-60s. Which is OK because my grass/garden/flowers were needing watered and our new transplanted grass was getting to look a tad sad. One revelation since moving to the Pacific NW is there are SNAILS and SLUGS here. They're both slimy worm things; one with a shell, one without. But they will eat EVERYTHING. I just put out my snail bait and they dissolve like cotton candy in your mouth (yuck .. that was a disgusting analogy).

Made an appointment with H&R Block to figure out how in the hell we're supposed to be doing our taxes once Nate starts work. Since he's on a 1yr contract, we'll be getting cut a check and we're responsible for the rest; paying taxes, SS, Medicare, etc. I don't want to even try and swing that blind because I can see the IRS knocking on my door next year saying I owe $$$ because I didn't know what in the hell I was doing. But I'll be a pro a quarterly taxes in a year.

I'm rambling, really. Slow day, fog, not much else to say. Other than the keyless remote to my van went out. Yea, try figuring out how to replace the battery in that hummer. It's like trying to pry apart the legs of .... well never mind. I'm not doing too hot on the analogies today.

Merry Weekend!

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