Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Suspended Tuesdays

I'm now free of Tuesdays. Yesterday I talked with Dr D (who I work with) and he OK'd that I take Tuesdays off. So I now only work M,W,F. It's so nice to only work every other day. I'm a lucky girl. So, today I am enjoying my first Tuesday off and so far I've gotten alot done. I've played cars, ball, Old McDonald, and read "I Wish I had Duck Feet" and "Go, Dog, Go" three times. So far, so good!

We got a wonderful letter in the mail yesterday, also. It was from the Oregon DMV regarding Nathan's recent traffic violations. It appears he has had 4 offenses within a 24mo period. The last two being "just our luck", if you ask me. Not saying he didn't do anything wrong, but one was for going 12 miles over the speed limit in parking lot (long stretch of downhill road at the side of his college marked 20mph - apparently considered a 'parking lot') and the last one being he got nailed with no seatbelt 5 blocks down a side street from our house when he was running a tool back to my brother in law. So! Because of these violations, they are suspending my husband's license for 30 days. GREAT! So, next step is to apply for a Hardship Permit for $50 which will allow him to go only to school, internship, and picking up Maysen during the week. My work hours are 0700-1800 so I am not able to drive him around. Man, the fun never ends.

Ok, gotta go. Maysen is drinking vinegar/water for the fish tank. Talk about never ending fun.

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