Friday, April 14, 2006

Mr President 2042:

** Set the scene: I'm sitting there, reading the back of the new Johnshon's Baby Body Wash and this boy, who looked about 8yrs old, comes rounding the corner at 100mph. The mom rounds the corner shortly after **

Mom: Dylan, I said STOP!
Dylan: NO!
Mom: Dylan ... STOP!
Dylan: *sticks out tongue and laughs*
Mom: If you don't stop, then you're not getting your Easter Basket!
Dylan: I don't care. You're a bitch!
Mom: I've told you that is not appropriate language to use towards me...

.... I think I shut off at that point. "not appropriate language.."? Excuse me? I'm so sorry. See, this is why kids anymore are out of control. Parents are too afraid of the "A" word (abuse) than just letting 'er rip on their kids. I remember during my really bad stage growing up, (I think I was like 13) I called my dad an asshole because he wouldn't let me do something and ran to my room, locking the door behind me as though that would save me. About 20 seconds later, I felt the floor tremble like the water in the glass during Jurassic Park, and all of a sudden it was like Kong was coming through my door. You guessed it. All I remember was looking at my closed door, in horror, as I watch it disintegrate into splinters in front of my very eyes. I've never seen my dad so pissed and I've never had the ass-whooping I did at that time. And ya know what? I respected my dad more after that. Don't mistake me, I believe that there is a line that shouldn't be crossed during punishment, but I'll be damned if some 8yr old, who I am feeding, clothing, providing a roof over their head is going to a) run from me in a store b) not even acknowledge my words c) Tell me "no" d) call me a bitch. It's just sad that if you take it upon yourself to discipline your kids, they can actually (and have caught on) to turning you in for abuse. Why can't we go back to the days the teachers had big yard sticks behind their desks that you knew you'd get whacked with if you mouthed off? You wouldn't dream of messing or mouthing off to a teacher then.

Anyway. The kid eventually stopped, and there were about 4 of us shaking our heads hoping that kid isn't the next president in 2042. Either that, or he encounters a really giant stick between now and then.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Gotta love the kids in the middle of Target who have zero discipline.

