Friday, April 7, 2006

Leslie's *boiling* over here

I find myself a reasonable, level-headed person ... most times. However, nothing makes my blood *absolutely BOIL* than to hear stuff like this. I'm not kidding. If I were anywhere near the vicinity when this occured, you probably would have to remove me with the Jaws of Life off that bitch. It would be her ass that bled to death. It is magnified more now that I have a child of my own, because I can't even begin to fathom betraying that sole sense of security, foundation, comfort that Maysen instinctually has for me. Not for one second. Insanity? Well, she's better off dead because of insanity than putting her away until "..she's not a threat to her or anyone else." I can guaran -F'in- tee she wouldn't be a threat if they just sawed off her legs and let her bleed to death. Nope! Wouldn't have to worry for one second about. I'm so an eye-for-an-eye it's not even funny. How did this insane bitch go get married, have 2 other kids and not a hint of insanity? And what about the other nut job who drowned her kids one-by-one in a bathtub? I recall her husband called his mother to sit with her because he was afraid she would do something. HELLO?! Ok, didn't need to read that on a Friday night. Now I'm just pissed.

Editors Note: I apologize for my language in the above post. I can be forgiven for reason of temporary insanity ... how ironic, eh?


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Ugh, yeah. I read that. Totally nuts. I just can't even fathom.

    On a lighter note, looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!


  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Bah, don't apologize for the language. Its a weird story. *shrug*

  3. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Thanks, Nic. Nutty, eh?

  4. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I am always intrigued by human behavior. I'm so curious what's going on in her head and what's happened in her past that made her be a fruitcake. (shrug)
