Tuesday, March 14, 2006


It's finally been "nice" enough to take Maysen outside to see the yard for the first time and play on the playset, complete with baby swing. As you can see, that was the funnest thing ever - although he's got the death grip on the rope. Trying to take this picture as he's flying at you warp speed was tricky. I'm lucky I at least got this shot.

Don't you hate it when someone asks you something, you give them the answer, then the person behind you re-answers the question as though you didn't answer it correctly or thoroughly enough? Yet their answers really apply no more important information than you just provided. Well, we have this one chick here, C. Exact deal. Today, for example I'm instructing this lady not to take oral, pill form calcium supplements 24 hr prior to this DEXA scan. Then I hear (voice louder than mine) via C "..But you CAN have milk and things containing calcium. MmmmHmmm". Uh, yea, milk would be excluded from the "Oral pill form calcium". Drives me absolutely *nuts*. Like 1) why are you all up in my convo? 2) .... nevermind #1 pretty much explains it, but I need to have more than a "1" in a bulleted list. So then later I gave one of our patients a morphine injection. I told this younger male that he needed to wait 15min at least to make sure there was no reaction, etc. C explains, as though he's an absolute idiot "To make sure you don't have a side effect or anything". ......(*$**$(#(??? He just sort of looks at me and goes "Then can I go?" So, I sat there. Saying *nothing*. He repeats it. So I say "I'm not sure, we'd better ask C". Augh.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Haha. I think we all have those. ;-)

